Glaze Cooling Machine (DYN-GCM)

Glaze Cooling Machine (DYN-GCM)

This machine was developed to bring down the temperature of the glaze mixture. The machine has cooling coils and slow stirring agitator which help in bringing down the temperature of the glaze prepared. The up down movement of the coils and agitator is with help of Pneumatic cylinder.

Glaze Stirrer in Cool Room

This machine is used for stirring Glaze in cold rooms. This unit is fixed in cool room & Stirrer blades move up & down with help of lead screw and guide rod.
All mechanisms are controlled by starter and limit switches. We can also provide VFD for controlling the speed of stirrer blades.

Glaze Stirrer in Cool Room

Green Piece Inspection Booth with Dust Extractor


These booths are manufactured out of Galvanized Iron panels and bolted together with help of zinc plated nut bolts. These booths are equipped with a powerful dust extraction system. There is a filter section at the end for cleaning of the filters. These booths are specially designed to extract dust from the green piece during inspection

Glazing Booth (DYN-GB)

The booth is made of stainless-steel sheets and bolted together as per customer requirement of single, double, triple glazing stations. It is equipped with a cascading water curtain to help in glaze reclamation. The booth has a wet scrubber section at the end to eliminate all the dust particles and exhaust the clean air.
AODD pump is used for water and glaze recirculation.

Glazing Booth (DYN-GB)
Glazing Booth (DYN-GB) 2

Trap Glazing Machine (Siphon) (DYN-GB)

Trap Glazing Machine (Siphon) (DYN-GB)

The machine has been designed to execute internal glazing of sanitaryware. Both wall bowl, floor bowl of various shape and size can be internally glaze easily. The machine is controlled by a PLC program in which various parameters like cycle time, glaze properties can be changed as per user and the product. The machine comes with a glaze reclaim tank and agitator which recycles the glaze used after every cycle more by giving better efficiency and lowering the overall cost of production.
